Jordan Cliffs rising above Jordan Pond seen from Pemetic Mountain
Jordan Cliffs Trail is that perfect balance of scary exposure, easy climbing, and awesome views. It’s a lot of hikers’ favorite trail in Acadia. Remember when planning to hike it though: the trail is closed during the summer nesting season of the peregrines (usually from May to mid-August). Back in the old days before they closed it, hikers would get dive bombed by the parents. I can personally attest that it was more exciting than the climb, but it disturbed the birds too much.
The trail leaves Spring Trail a half mile from Jordan Pond House. You can combine it with either Penobscot Mountain Trail or Deer Brook Trail and Jordan Pond Path to make nice loops. If you’re feeling it, add on a nice climb up Sargent Mountain along East Cliffs Trail.
The trail crosses a carriage road and climbs, crossing a scree slope with fine views.
Climbing to the base of the cliffs
Once to the base of the cliffs, the trail heads north, going up and down along the cliffs. Along the way, you cross the coolest bridge ever.
As you’re hiking along the cliffs, there are sections of climbing. Some scrambling and one set of ladders and rungs. All good fun.
Yep, that’s the trail. It goes across the ledge above Henry and off to the right
The ladder and rung section near the top
Looking down the rungs from the base of the ladder
The Jordan Cliffs Trail is 1.2 miles long, so depending on the loop you choose your hike will be anywhere from 3 to 5 miles (more if you do Sargent).